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how to resize your images so you can upload them

any image (photo) of your entry that you want to upload to must be no bigger than 100kb, and in either jpg, jpeg, gif or png format.

by default, most digital cameras take photos that are far too large to upload - 2 megabytes or so is not uncommon. You will therefore need to resize your images before you can successfully upload them. Here's how.

  • Most cameras come with some sort of image editing software. Use that software to resize the image, 400 to 500 pixels wide is pretty good for most images and will reduce the file size automatically.
  • When saving the resized image, look for the compression or quality setting on the "save as" screen and set it in the middle if it used words like good better and best. If it mentions "compression" then use something between 10-25% and if it mentions "jpeg quality", use a number between 75-85%. That setting will help make the file smaller and faster without affecting the dimensions of the image.
  • jpg format is ALWAYS best - you get excellent image compression without sacrificing quality, and ALL browsers, no matter how old, should be able to display the image so people can vote for your entry.
  • Always save the original copy of your image in a safe place. This will be your digital negative. If you make a mistake while editing you can always start over with the original.
  • If you still need help with getting your image below 100kb then try some of these links:

    Image resizing if you use Windows XP (tm):

    General image resizing tips

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